Friday, June 6, 2014

Vinca Rosea Information-Uses and Benefits

Cape Periwinkle is an evergreen shrub grows throughout varying land of India. Its domestic name is sadabahar or Rose periwinkle. Its botanical name is Vinca Rosea and it belongs from Apocynaceae family. Vinca Rosea is from Plantae kingdom and division is Magnoliophyta which means it is a flowering plant. It is dicotyledons and gentianales in order. The whole plant has medicinal purpose specially the root, seed and the leaf.

Vinca Rosea is a charming, evergreen shrub, bearing pink or white slaverform flower. It is a native plant of southeastern and eastern Madagascar. After the invasion of European colonist the plant achieved world recognition because of its ornamental property. It can also grow in the tropical and subtropical regions. Vinca Rosea has waxed, glossy covering leaves, which is oval or oblong in shape and oppositely arranged in pairs, with a pale midrib and a short petiole. The flowers usually have five petals like loves.
Vinca Rosea grows very well in infertile and well drained soil but has the chances of dying if the soil is too fertile or healthy. Occasional pinching of the bud is necessary for full growth and branching. It doesn’t need dead heading as the flower drops off after it completes blooming. It is very helpful for the treatment of Leukemia occurring in children. It is prone to the infection of Phytoplasmas which reduces the growth of the leaf.
It is rich with 70 different types of alkaloid specially indole type. Alkaloids like ajamalicine, serpentine and reserpine vinblastine is present in it which has medicinal importance.

Cape Periwinkle has n number of uses. For example Chinese used it for herbal medicine, which is used in the treatment of diabetes, Hodgkin’s disease and malaria. The plant is rich in chemical substances like vinblastine and vincristine, which is helpful in the treatment of Leukemia in children and lymphoma. The group of alkaloid which is present in it can be virtually used in the treatment of cancer. The alkaloids may have certain side effects on the body. Traditionally the root bark of priwinklen is used for treatment. It has calming effect and it can also reduce blood pressure and it also contains the alkalois Alstonine.
Some precautionary measure should be taken before its use. Periwinkle is poisonous in nature and restricted for external use like injection or smoking. It has been poisonous for animals grazed on it. It has unwanted side effects after used for the treatment of cancer by doctors. If consumed orally it has hallucinating effect. It is harmfull for kidney and may cause nerve problem. Very low dosage of the plant only under the supervision of doctor is strictly recommended.

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